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Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) is a new impactful fitness solution helping you achieve your body and wellness goals in a fraction of the time.

The Innovation of Wellness

What exactly is EMS?
Electrical Muscle Stimulation or EMS sends impulses to muscles, helping them contract more times than a conventional workout will allow – without straining joints. This allows for you to achieve a more effective workout with less impact and in less time. A simpler workout that offers all the benefits of a 2-hour HIIT session in just 20 minutes.

Suited for Success

The Pulse Performance EMS fitness suit is designed with technology enhancements to give you the same results as conventional weight training. The highly effective suit activates all muscles without using weights, gym equipment, or time commitment.

It offers low-strain, short workouts that burn calories, reduce cellulite, tone, and build lean muscle mass. It does this by sending impulses to all major muscle groups at the same time giving your body 150 times more muscle contractions than a conventional workout.


Power in Personalization

Once you are suited, a Pulse Trainer will lead you through a personalized training session that will allow the stimulation of the suit to target your muscles. While you’re performing simple movements, the suit activates every major muscle at the same time. During your personalized workout, the contractions help strengthen the mobilizing muscles, increase your endurance, and help you achieve a toned physique.

Because Pulse’s training sessions are customized to your needs, no matter your fitness level Pulse Performance will help you reach your wellness goals!


Trust the science

Pulse Performance Founder, JD Busch was introduced to Electrical Muscle Stimulation, a few years ago, while in Europe, but it wasn’t until February 2020, when he realized how truly amazing it is. From an accident, JD suffered a spinal injury. He was left not knowing if he would ever fully recover.

Luckily, he was blessed to have a therapist introduce EMS into his rehabilitation. It was through EMS that he made major strides in his recovery and experienced a drastic reduction in chronic pain. EMS transformed JD’s life for the better, and he was eager to share his story and this life changing technology with the world.


The Benefits of EMS

Today, EMS is accessible to everyone. Whether you’re looking to activate your muscles and improve your performance or recover faster to get back to your best self, EMS provides the perfect solution. EMS offers all the normal benefits of exercise (but better and faster), including…

  • Tighter, more toned body
  • More strength and stamina
  • Better coordination and flexibility
  • Endorphin rush and energy booster
  • Better Circulation


20 minutes a week is all you need to reach your wellness goals.
Discover the many benefits of becoming a Pulse Performance member and sign up for a FREE session today.